Thursday, July 30, 2009

Students Dealt Winning Hand

And who remembers Coupon Harold:

CRAIG ASKS: Can Bruce or anyone else supply any background info/anecdotes to this entry? Wasn't this the Creative Department's first Coupon Bonanza cover?

BRUCE ADDS: Yup, this was the first Coupon Bonanza cover, at least the first that the FFGs did. The photo was set up in a back room in the Daily building. No one even bothered to write any body copy, but of course, in order to make the cover look right, massive greeking was used!

Also, this was the first introduction of Swisher Sweets cigars to the group, later to reappear at subsequent events including weddings.


  1. I love the photos of John and Jeff J. They are priceless.

  2. That comment was supposed to be on the Great Coupon Caper!
