Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What A Bunch Of Characters!

Here's a caricature of the five funniest guys as drawn by Jarl Olsen, based loosely on the photo posted earlier. You'll notice that these are not the current and celebrated five. Craig M. had not yet arrived on the scene and Jarl inserted himself into the group (farthest right, hat and glasses). You'll also note that Jarl decided to put Jeff V. in overalls with Jeff's name on the front (to avoid any confusion). And that Jarl also took some artistic license in the footwear he selected for everyone, especially the wing tips that John J. is sporting.

CRAIG ADDS:  I'm not threatened.  Look how easily I can turn Jarl into me:

CRAIG ALSO ADDS:  This drawing (neat style, by the way; who knew?) is all the evidence I've ever seen that Jarl ever worked at the Daily.  It might be all anyone's ever seen.  Apparently, he was there only for a couple weeks before, without explanation, he one day stopped coming in.  John's frequent joke was that he wished Jarl would come in again so he could fire him.

BRUCE ADDS: I believe Jarl was hired as an art director. And that his hat was glued to his head. I also remember that someone referred to my mustache in this drawing as radio waves.