Monday, November 23, 2009

Caricatures By Bruce Continued

Okay, I found the original James Garner caricature I did at the Daily. That also meant I found a bunch of other caricatures I did way back then. Can you identify them?

CRAIG RAVES: It's like a snapshot of popular culture circa late 70s/early 80s. I love the grizzled Charles Bronson most, but I have to say I'm most impressed by the Steve Martin drawing most, since he has the least distinctive features, especially in his pre-white hair phase.

JEFF CORRECTS CRAIG: Great Garner, Boffo Bronson, I mistook Jimmy Carter for David Leterman (who was not on the public radar yet, I know, but most if not ALL caricatures of the Georgian President showed him grinning, hence my confusion) and I like the bold, simple style in which Gerald Ford was drawn. But Craig, Steve Martin? Wrong. That's politician Gary Hart. And, sorry, but who is the last one? Abby Hoffman... or Starsky?

BRUCE ADDS: Craig's right, it's Steve Martin. (Below is the reference I used!) And the last is indeed Starsky and Hutch (when Hutch grew the most feeble mustache on TV).

CRAIG ADDS: David Letterman? Look at the lips, man. If it was Letterman, you'd have seen the unctuous grin with the big space between the front teeth. (Hey Bruce, could you work that up for us?)

BRUCE RESPONDS: Here you go, Craig.

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