Monday, November 16, 2009

Clip Art Joint

One of the many resources available to the Daily Creative Department was a collection of small books of clip art (although with all the original art flying around, we didn't have to use them much)--notably insurance accident clip art of people falling down stairs. Here's one example of the use of clip art. Where we found fencers is anybody's guess.

CRAIG ASKS: Bruce, did I work on this with you? Seems a little like my sense of humor. Or maybe John's.

JEFF V. FAWNS:  This is pretty funny. guys.  I don't recall ever seeing it.  I assume you cut and repositioned the guy on the left's arm to make two pictures out of one.  I know I wasn't involved because the third "panel" would have entailed the man on the right being skewered by the other one's sword.

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