Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Okay, I didn't know how to spell Salisbury.

Mighty momentous milestone methinks.

CRAIG ADDS: It's a testament to Bruce's careful wordsmithing that even with a headline that crammed with "m" words, it didn't read like awkward alliteration.

CRAIG FURTHER ADDS: I just clicked on the ad to enlarge it because I was curious to read the copy -- and it was only then I noticed the taped-on fix to Harrison Salisbury's name. (Am I supposed to know who that guy is, by the way?)

BRUCE ADDS: Harrison Evans Salisbury (November 14, 1908 – July 5, 1993), an American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist (1955), was the first regular New York Times correspondent in Moscow after World War II. (Has nothing to do with steak.)

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